Rhonwen McCormack is also a practising freelance theatre director, based in Manchester, and was formerly a professional actor in Australia. Skilled and experienced in a number of theatrical genres, she can be an interpretative director of an established work, or an originating director of a new one.
Rhonwen McCormack trained as a theatre director at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, originally trained in professional acting at Charles Sturt University-Riverina in Australia, and she did a directing attachment at English National Opera.
Her credits include:

“La Dispute” (Photo: Graham Burke)
“Avalon” by Michael Babb & Ian Enters, Avalon Company, Yorkshire tour of churches
“A Day In the Reign” by Giuseppe Verdi & Felice Romani, Opera Integra, St Peters Church, London, community opera
“Pride and Prejudice” ad. from Jane Austen by Rhonwen McCormack, Velvet Masque Productions, Edge Theatre, Australia
“American Haiku: 6 x 10-Minute Plays” by various American writers, Blue Masque Theatre, Jermyn Street Theatre, London
“The Christian Brothers” by Ron Blair, produced by David Bidmead, Etcetera Theatre, London
“The Bacchae” by Euripides, Moonlight Drive Theatre, St Mary’s Church, London
“Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Halcyon Day Productions, small-scale tour Australia (as assistant director)

“The Dwarfs” (Photo: Graham Burke)
“Bessie At Midnight, Alone” by Derek Martin, Blue Masque Theatre, small-scale tour, winner “Best Newcomer” at Birmingham Fest awards
“Strife In A Northern Town” by Jennifer Banks, Capricious Rose Productions / Blue Masque Theatre, small-scale tour, shortlisted for “Best Show” in the national Funny Women awards
“Coitophobia” by Maria Roberts, Blue Masque Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, longlisted for Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award
“O’Leary’s Daughters” by Elizabeth Baines, Eye of The Storm, 24:7 Theatre Festival, Manchester
“White Wedding” by Maria Roberts, Fineline Theatre, 24:7 Theatre Festival, Manchester
“Stand-Up” by Diana Newman, Velvet Masque Productions, Three Weeds, Australia
“On War: White Liberal Guilt” group-devised, Genesis Young Directors, Young Vic, London
“Where Adults Come From” group-devised, Dream Artz Theatre, Artstart: NSW Youth Arts & Skills Festival, Australia, community theatre
“Disaster Strikes!” group-devised, N.S.W. Department of Education, Australia, community theatre
Blue Masque Theatre, Manchester, shortlisted for “Best Revival” at Greater Manchester Fringe Festival awards
Caird Company, London
Jacaranda Theatre, London
A13 Acting Company, Manchester
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, Bristol (as a student director)
Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, London
Arden School of Theatre
University of Salford
City Drama Studio, Australia
UK Drama School Graduate Dublin Showcase, Ireland
A full director’s C.V. is available on request.